Saturday, May 14, 2011

Protests and Riots

Thanks to everyone who has emailed checking in on us after hearing about the protests in Kampala last week.  We were away most of the week, returning Friday evening.  The protests had died down, but the security was still extremely high.  There were multiple check points on our way home with armed military and tanks blocking most major roads and searching vehicles before allowing them to proceed.   We are still unsure if these were due to the protests or just heightened security due to so many African leaders being in town for the presidential inauguration.  Most likely the combination of the two.

While the protests on Thursday and Friday seem to be worse, these have actually been going on since our 2nd week here.   None of the violence has occurred anywhere near Roxanne's house, and we all feel very safe.  There was a night several weeks ago when protests had gotten bad, power was out, and Roxanne was not home that a truck with a bullhorn and a very angry sounding speaker drove through the neighborhood announcing something over and over again in L'ugandan.  After about the 3rd time and the voice seemingly growing more agitated, we asked the guard what was going on, only to learn that they were announcing free HIV testing for the next day!

It seems that Ugandans take the weekends off from their protests, so we will see what Monday brings - an even worse-than-normal traffic situation is sure to be one effect from last week's trouble.

It does seem that that the people of Uganda are becoming increasingly unsettled with the current presidential administration - especially due to the [perceived] handling of what were planned to be peaceful protests against rapidly rising fuel and food costs.  It is difficult to get the whole story here because the president shuts down media sources and power seems to go out if protests are rumored, and the opposition obviously has it's own agenda in the way news is leaked out from that side.

We have a newfound respect for America's news, government and even our potholes!! Thanks for your concern - feel free to lift up a prayer for our continued safety as the new week approaches!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rob and Christi,

    I am thrilled to be connected to your project now via our friend Roxanne. I am so encouraged reading about your family's desire to take on a meaningful and sacrificial family project. I will see you at the UA 25-year reunion and hope to hear about it in person. For now, I'll keep reading the blog.

    Katie Zehnder Tew
